Tenshozan Tanrenjo Katana, 1943 Admiral-level Custom Order
A signed, dated, anchor-stamped Type 97 Kai Gunto with likely admiral provenance. The sword features a rare shobu-zukuri shape for what would normally have been an arsenal-level katana. The mounts include matching family mon of chanomi on the habaki and kabutogane. The nakago includes the inscription, 敬純佩之 (Takazumi Hai No), or ‘Takazumi wears this’. The sword was a custom order, likely admiral level given the furniture. Oka Takazumi was a vice admiral, naval undersecretary, and head of intelligence. He was tried for war crimes and later released. Potentially, this was one of his swords.
The blade features a rare shobu-zukuri shape. The nakago is ubu and signed Tenshozan Tanrenjo Saku Kore with an anchor stamp. It is dated Showa Jyu Hachi Nen San Gatsu Kichi Jitsu (March, 1943), with the inscription Takazumi Hai No. The hamon is a straight suguha that finishes in a maru boshi.
Along with high quality Type 97 Kai Gunto koshirae. In addition to the furniture with family mons, the koshirae includes higher quality shagreen saya and brown naval tassel.
Nagasa: 65.2 cm
Sori: 1.7 cm
Motohaba: 2.9 cm
Sakihaba: 2.1 cm
Kissaki: - - -
Nakago: 20.6 cm
Kasane: 7.8 mm