Bishu Sadahiro Katana, ca. early 1700’s NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
A strong and robust later Shinto katana. This is a work of the Owari swordsmith Sadahiro who was active Kyoho era, early 1700’s. His work is rare as the 1700’s were a time when there was a lower need for swords and swordsmiths struggled to maintain their businesses. Sadahiro was originally from Mino but moved to Owari, signing ‘Bishu Junin’ after his move.
The blade has an outstanding length with a robust sugata. The nakago is ubu and signed Bishu Junin Sadahiro Saku. The jigane is a well-grained itame that mixes at times with a running masame. The Soshu inspired hamon is a large pattern gunome midare in nie deki with a sugu-yakidashi. At times the hamon becomes yahazu midare with large forked formations. The hamon finishes in a thick maru boshi. There are copious nie activities in and throughout the hamon.
Nagasa: 75.0 cm
Sori: 1.7 cm
Motohaba: 3.1 cm
Sakihaba: 2.0 cm
Kissaki: 3.4 cm
Nakago: 19.5 cm
Kasane: 7.2 mm